Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monster high repaint dolls

I was looking at BJG Dolls since I love them to death. (For all those who don't know what they are ; they are ball jointed dolls. Image of one of them is to the left. ) While I was drooling over the beautiful dolls I notice something I never really knew about. People buying monster high dolls and repainting them to their own wishes.
They begin by removing the paint on them... Wait what? I never knew you could make a barbie,monster hight,etc. faceless. So I watched many videos in which I found a new art I never seen before. The way they painted the faces on them ..

Here is some images of the newly refined art

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I want pandas~

Fashion x3 Lolita fashion

I love lolita fashion however I found myself being embarrassed by liking it. Since, the whole lolita thing is for young girls trying to seduce older men originally. (This blog can be educational )
I decided WHO CARES? This is my last post about fashion today....

On to the fashion!~

Fashion x2 Albino Fashion


 I decided to submit some more fashion since apparently a lot people love fashion. Of course I do or I wouldn't be blogging about it. I found these designs interesting ; how they mixed the casual look with a whole unique side. I'll say I'm impress with some of these designs.

D'Amato a famous designer  made a set called Albino. Known for his coats and jackets designs he hits the fall (in 2012) with some amazing designs. (2012)
Would you wear any of these? I don't really see myself wearing a lot of these designs. The designs are very eye pleasing I just don't so much on myself.  What do you think?

Family/pets c:

Ah ha ...WTF?!